About Us
Club History
Back in 1962 Vegas Valley Dog Obedience Club received their official charter by the AKC. Two years later we had our first sanctioned match. Over the years we have held over fifty shows, assisted hundreds of humans train their dogs, and received numerous obedience and sports titles amongst our members with our beloved canine companions.
From the infamous Hines Ranch in Las Vegas to expanding to meeting at parks and restaurants, our general meetings are usually held the first Tuesday of each month, holidays permitting. Meeting will usually include updates on what is happening within the club, announcements on upcoming events and trial, learn more about your dogs, the latest issues in dog health and ownership along with special guests sharing information on topics of interest with our members. These meetings are a great way to learn more about what we do and how we try to be involved within the Vegas Valley community including the classes we hold and any additional special training sessions available.

Current Officers
Marina Pavlovsky – President
Susie Osborn – Vice President
Kristina Klinger – Recording Secretary
Nancy Swords – Treasurer
Kathy Mondragon – Corresponding Secretary
Leanne Miller – Board Member
Marti Siska – Board Member
Become a Member
Do you love training dogs?
Find out more about being in our club and how it can become a bigger part of your life!
Upcoming Classes
We offer many types of classes and events!
Check our calendar to see what fits your goals with your furry friend.